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In the hustle of coping with various facets of life, from workplace to gym, happy hours to shopping, period is probably something that everyone misses out. To solve this purpose, there’s an app for you that helps you track just what you wanted. You cannot be less grateful for that because using paper and pen for tracking your period is just way more of a hassle.
Period and ovulation tracker can help you to get to know your own body and cycle and identify any changes to your menstrual cycle that may be an indicator of potential health issues.
Features of Mood Swings :
- Peirods and Ovulation Tracker
- Track Symptoms and Moods
- Pregnancy Tracker
- Lifestyle and Fitness Tracker
Moodswings provides a simplified view of your, well, cycle and health logs, multiple mood trackers, irregular periods, postabortion bleeding, and exercise trackers, your health and menstrual cycle will no longer be a mystery. You can access all your essential information, review past periods, forecast future periods and ovulation, and visualize your cycle history.
Track symptoms and moods, log your period flow, menstrual products used, sex, pain, moods, cervical fluid, and PMS symptoms now with #MoodSwings. Knowledge is power, and it fits absolutely right when you are learning about your own body. #MoodSwings can help you navigate your period, pregnancy and works as a lifestyle and fitness tracker to empower you with the facts you need.