I’m on my menstruation cycle, she says. Silence. It looks like a bemusement. Is it true that she just said that out loud? “Hey, you don’t have to tell everyone, so keep it to yourself.”
Periods might be awkward to discuss with your spouse, family, or even your doctor. It’s critical to have a place to turn if you’re concerned that your menstruation isn’t as it should be. While you should keep an open line of communication with your doctor, Let’s Talk a Period is where women can share their stories. Our Self-BAT is a quick and straightforward approach to see if your experience is typical.
Menstruation is just one of the many physiological functions that women have to hide. We need to talk about it to help both girls and guys feel comfortable with it.
I recall learning about periods and sexuality in school when I was ten years old. The lesson was only open to females. “Girls receive their period once a month, and while it might be uncomfortable, it is usually tolerable and perfectly normal.” You must have a Best Period Tracker App such as MoodSwings. I reasoned that that seemed reasonable, though I wondered why only girls bled once a month. “Oh, and the boys won’t find out about it till next year. They haven’t reached the age of maturity.” At the time, I laughed it off, proud of my femininity. But, now that I think about it, why do we have to protect guys from their classmates?
Men are indeed exempt from the monthly agony of menstruation. However, they are unable to evade the harsh reality that all fertile women menstruate. Most men will live with a menstruating woman at some point in their lives, and understanding the phenomenon would likely make life easier. Despite this, we try to keep the conversation about bodily normalcy quiet. I don’t blame men for keeping the conversation quiet; we often teach our children not to talk about their periods aloud. I’ve never heard a girl in a casual tone ask for a tampon. When it comes to menstruation, it’s all about whispering, murmuring, and signalling. Why is requesting a tampon different from ordering a tissue or even toilet paper?
I understand that the subject may seem a little cliched. Nonetheless, a lack of understanding about female anatomy is a major issue all over the world. When a woman has her period so opt for a menstrual cycle calendar or the Best Period Tracker App such as MoodSwings, she is not permitted to attend religious activities, eat specific meals, or attend school in many nations. Some people believe that this is exclusively a problem in developing countries. However, this is not the case. This has to end, and women must be courageous enough to speak up about it.
The fact that you’ve figured out how to deal with your period pain doesn’t imply other women can’t. You have no idea how they feel. Our bodies are different, and instead of giving females painkillers and telling them to shut up, we should encourage them to talk about their concerns.
Hormonal pills help many individuals; they’re not available everywhere, and there’s a notion that they’re dangerous, which keeps many ladies away from them. We still have a long way to go before menstruation is no longer a barrier for women. It would be best advised to have a menstrual cycle calendar.
So, when I’m on my period, please don’t tell me it’s simply none of your business. We must discuss our bodies. Finally, how does menstrual blood differ from other bodily fluids? I’m tired of feeling disgusted when I’m on my period; it’s a big enough problem without the stigma. So, yep, I’m on my period. Problem?
Knowledge is power, and it’s especially true when learning about one’s own body. MoodSwings can assist you with your period, pregnancy, and as a lifestyle and fitness tracker, providing you with the information you require. A period and fertility tracker can assist you in getting to know your own body and cycle and identify any variations in your menstrual cycle that could indicate potential health problems. MoodSwings allows you to keep track of your symptoms and moods, as well as your period flow, menstrual products used, sex, pain, moods, cervical fluid, and PMS symptoms.